Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Tue Sep 28 18:15:45 EDT 2004

When condx are poor, I REALLY appreciate seeing my name there. It assures 
me that he has copied my call correctly. I don't mind anybody wasting my 
time by including my name.

I will never forget once when a local was here during a contest to see how 
it all worked he was REALLY impressed that the other ops actually knew me 
by first name! It was a real let-down to have to admit how it all worked, 
and that I was not really THAT famous - hi.

Jerry W4UK

At 21:43 9/28/04, W0YR at aol.com wrote:
>This is sure to upset the troops and generate a lot of hate mail, so here
>Use of the FRIEND.INI file is insincere and a collosial waste of time.

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