[RTTY] Subscribing to the VK2SG-RTTY list

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Fri Aug 12 22:35:37 EDT 2005

The VK2SG RTTY DX Notes are a weekly listing of DX stations that have been
spotted on RTTY for that particular week, along with the time and frequency.
These notes are particularly useful when chasing DX and to see when certain DX
stations are active.  The easiest way to receive this list is to subscribe to
either the VK2SG-RTTY or RTTY DX E-mails lists.  I am including information on
subscribing to VK2SG-RTTY here because I believe it is easier.

The VK2SG-RTTY list (or reflector) is a "closed" list in that only the editors
can post to the list.

Anyone can subscribe to the list and subscribers will receive the VK2SG RTTY DX
Notes as they are posted by the editors each week.

Go to http://www.qth.net/ and select "Directly of E-mail Lists" from the left
hand column (be aware that the QTH.NET server is slow sometimes and it may take
a couple of minutes for the entire directory to show).

Scroll down to the VK2SG-RTTY listing and click on the link.

Follow the instructions for subscribing.  It's that easy!

73, Don AA5AU


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