Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK walter at dallmeier.com
Mon Aug 22 06:26:15 EDT 2005

                    SARTG WW RTTY Contest

Callsign         : DL4R
Category         : SO2R AB
Club Competition : DRCG (DL-DX RTTY Contest Group)
Power            : HIGH   80 - 700 Watt
Operating Time   : 23:50 h
Software         : RCKRtty V3.12

BAND  QSOs  Valid QSOs  Points  Cty  Dist.
10      12       12       120     5    0
15     114      113      1420    35   14
20     277      273      3365    61   21
40     235      233      2480    48   12
80     122      121      1075    30    0
       760      752      8460   179   47

Final Score: 8460 * (179 + 47) = 1911960

Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark-V, ACOM1000
Yaesu FT-897 (80 Watt)
3 El. SteppIR
Dipols for 40m and 80m
HF6-V 10-160m


Condition was lousy on sunday here in middle Europe. Long distances during
the test I thought I am in a big black hole or without any antenna
connection. Nothing was to hear on 10/15/20m this time.

End the first run with 318 QSO's and the second with 579. So I was in my
personaly plan with 800 QSO's in this contest.

15m openings only on sunday afternoon, so I missed a lot of W's and VE's as
Could only hear and work 6 JA's on all bands. A surprise was 40m with a lot
of W, VE. Could work also ZL, PY, JA on 40m. On 10m only a couple QSO's with
mainly Scandinavian stations.

My SO2R setup working fine, but with some special band adjustments on the 2
radios the distance of the antennas between 2-10m are much to small.

The new callsign DL4R (Club call) produce some difficulties, some OM's
called me further with DL4RCK, hi. I will use this callsign only in contest,
otherwise DL4RCK is my personal call and is used.

Thanks to SARTG to sponsor this nice contest with the family friendly 3x8
hours setup and thanks to all who called me.

73 de Walter, DL4RCK, DL4R

Walter Dallmeier
Email: mailto:walter at dallmeier.com


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