[RTTY] ARRL RTTY Round-Up Rules - QUESTIONs about band changes, etc.

Andrei Nevis v49a at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 9 23:21:29 EST 2005

Hello Group:
  Please explain, I am confused'
  I will be participating in Single Operator Entry, right.
  I do not understand this:
  "3.2.5 Limited to 6 band changes (maximum) in any clock hour." 
  Does it apply to "Multioperator, Single Transmitter" only, 
  or it applies to "Single Operator" as well?
  Reading the Rules, I understood that:
  "3.1. Single Operator" is Unlimited to Band Changes, am I correct?
  I would logically say that this (6 band changes) Restriction is for Every Participant (Multy and Single), but reading the numbers of paragraphs, I think that this restriction is for Multy Ops ONLY.
  And, if you are Single Operator - you are not allowed to use Packet-Dx-Cluster and such, correct? 
  In other words, if you are Single Operator but you look in the Internet DX-Cluster - you are becoming Multy Opertor, meaning that Computer is your Second Operator, correct??
  PLease help me and see you all in RTTY Roundup.
  73's Andrei EW1AR-NC2N

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