[RTTY] Poll

WS7I ws7ik7tj at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 17:10:58 EST 2005

When tuning RTTY signals, I use a.

     (method)        (example)

[ ]  Scope           (MMTTY software type)

[X ]  Scope           (a real scope)

[ ]  FFT display     (a la MMTTY)

[X ]  LED bar graph

[ ]  LED x-y display

[ ]  by Ear

[  ]  other- Waterfall           (specify)

[ ]  I never have to tune. I only CQ.

Using your ear to tune works quite well.  The only problem that I am aware
of is that you will soon have a hearing loss at two distinct parts of the
spectrum.  Just ask my old buddy Hal, can't hear a lick anymore.  I run RTTY
contests with no sound at all.

I use the scope built into the Hal ST-8000, and always also have my Hal
tuning indicator in-line.  From WA7LT's which is where I now have my FT-1000
and ST-8000 I also have a AEA CP-1 for a scope driver on his FT-1000 for
tuning with MMTTY.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all.

Jay WS7I

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