[RTTY] RTTY contesting-NOT

Dick White whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jan 8 10:47:10 EST 2005

My Ten Tec Paragon decided to go QRT last week. It is now at the TT factory
for repair. They informed me it would be 3 to 4 weeks because it is not
warranty repair. I will miss the Roundup today and probably the BARTG and UK
DX contests. It really hurts. However, my friend Bill, KB0NXX, a PSK31
operator, did me a good deed. He has a 2nd rig dedicated to PSK only and a
main rig, MARK-V Field, for other operating. Yesterday he brought the MARK-V
to my house and told me to use it until my Paragon is returned. He said he
would just work PSK while I have his rig. How about that  for a good friend.
The computer I use to run my radio programs crashed and I cannot use it or
get to the programs. I have a IBM laptop with XP Pro. on it and no radio
programs ( just got it Christmas). I am going to try an install the N3FJP
program and enter the CW NA QSO Party today if I can figure out how to
operate the MARK-V rig.

GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU IN THE RU and the other RTTY contests. You will see
my call as soon as I can get back on the air.
I hope to be back in RTTY when Peter 1  is on the air and log a new one.

73....Dick   KS0M

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