[RTTY] HAL ST-8000 and 6000 vs. Sound Cards

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Sat Jan 29 16:46:24 EST 2005

Kok Chen wrote:
>I would first make sure that the A/D converter is top notched (don't 
>just look at how many bits it supports but look for the actual noise 
>floor numbers, whether it supports balanced inputs, etc etc -- the 
>stuff the professional recording world looks for), with gains in the 
>audio chain adjusted for maximum dynamic range and never clipping 
>(RITTY has always bragged about the use of a non-limiting front end, 
>for what I believe are solid reasons), and with as much hum/noise 
>removed as possible.

And don't forget the RightMark Audio Analyzer program, to check how well 
the sound card is doing in your machine environment. Free download from:

73 from Ian G3SEK

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