Larry L Lindblom llindblom at juno.com
Sat Jul 2 11:55:31 EDT 2005

It will soon be here and by that I mean NAQP RTTY.  Most of you know that
means it is time to ask if anyone wants to play with TCG on an RTTY NAQP
Team.  If you are not already signed up for a team you are welcome to
play with TCG on one of our teams.  

TCG teams are open to anyone and everyone of all competitive levels no
matter where you live or club affiliation.  If you'd like to play with us
just send me an email and let me know if you will play the full 10 hours
or part time.  I'll do the best I can take care of the rest.

TU 73

DE W0ETC, Larry in Iowa

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