[RTTY] TARA "Grid Dip" PSK/RTTY Contest on August 6, 2005

Tony Heatwole tony at ajheatwole.com
Sat Jul 2 16:37:09 EDT 2005

Don't forget that the 3rd annual running of the TARA (Troy Amateur Radio
Association) "Grid Dip PSK-RTTY Shindig" is coming up shortly. This HF
contest, held this year on August 6, 2005, from 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC,
combines a PSK (all forms) contest with a simultaneous RTTY (all forms)
contest. The scoring multipliers are Maidenhead Grid squares. See:

for the full contest information. I hope that you can join us!

73, de Tony Heatwole, N3FX

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