[RTTY] W1SLF will be active from ME in NAQP

Montemerlo, Robert robert.montemerlo at hp.com
Thu Jul 7 16:45:21 EDT 2005

In an effort to make this month's NCJ NAQP RTTY Contest a bit more
interesting, three of us (N1MGO, KT1I, & KB1JZU) will be operating in
field day style at the top of Sugarloaf Mountain in western Maine.  We
have permission to operate out of the historical gondola building just
below the summit of that mountain.

At 1291 Meters you would think that we should be in the CQ VHF contest
but the vote was unanimous......RTTY!

We will not be on a team, but will be operating multi-2 under the
Sugarloaf/usa Amateur Radio Club call sign...W1SLF

In addition, we have some first edition QSL cards showing the mountain
for anyone who works us (info on QRZ.com). Anyone getting us on all 5
bands will also get the infamous Sugarloaf emblem, in addition to the
QSL Card. 

The Maine press picked this up as a special interest story;


They will be doing a follow up after the contest. Hopefully we will have
had more than 2 contacts.

See you in the contest


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