[RTTY] Unsportsmanlike behaviour

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Mon Jun 13 13:24:02 EDT 2005

Hi all,

Just a quick comment about this.

I agree that it isn't the best thing to do in the middle of a crowded band,
but on the other hand, I can appreciate the situation!

Living in a "wanted" DXCC entity can often be a pain in the proverbial! Yes,
it has advantages, and the pile-ups are great, but now and again, this can
become a real nuisance.
Going on a DXpedition is one thing, as it is what you aim for, and you also
provide a service. It's also what you expect!
However, when you live in such a place, it can mean that you don't get a
chance to "chat" on the bands.
I usually reckon that if I go on the bands, I can make 4 or 5 decent
contacts, and after that, it just turns into a "UR 599 QRZ?" dxpedition
style operation. Often, this means I also have to work split.

HOWEVER, I am not in favour of going split in a contest, although I also
found myself under a huge pile of callers who just wanted GU on RTTY during

This was not the first contest entry to work split, and won't be the last,
but almost all the others I have worked have been WAY up the band,
especially on 15 and 10m. Not so easy on 20m though!

As for asking for NA only, well, that's one for debate! I can see
advantages, as W call areas are mults, and if you get a pile of EU's and not
much else, it may be worth trying!

PLEASE don't send any flames to me, as these are just my thoughts.

73 all, and remember - it's a HOBBY, not life or death!

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