[RTTY] Post-contest thoughts

Fidel Leon ea3lf at ea3lf.net
Mon Sep 26 10:05:33 EDT 2005

After having real fun this week-end (35 zones and 
91 DXCCs in 32 hours), I'd like to share some of my experiences:

         -QSO B4... We have talked about it a lot of times, but:

                 -XX0XX: QRZ?
                 -EA3LF: DE EA3LF EA3LF
                 -XX0XX: EA3LF QSO B4
                 -EA3LF: UR NOT IN MY LOG
                 -XX0XX: EA3LF 599 XX XX

         Wouldn't it be easier working dupes with no further notice...?

         -QSB and some memory buffers:

                 -EA3LF: QRZ DE EA3LF
                 -XX0XX: EA3LF EA3LF DE %&$%$"$%$&&()("$%$·".
                 -EA3LF: AGN AGN
                 -XX0XX: EA3LF EA3LF DE !"·=)($&&$"·!·$%$%$&$%

         In 99% of exchanges, I could copy a "DE 
XX0XX XX0XX", but I had a 50% (or worse) rate 
with "EA3LF DE ...". Maybe a problem of mine in 
reception in crodwed bands, but... it seems to be 
that shorter memories get better results.

         -Anybody did note many signals 
splattering with very bad audio? Not very fine in crowded bands.

         -And yes, there was some activity 
between 7020 and 7030 (mainly Caribeans).


Fidel Leon - EA3LF
ea3lf at ea3lf.net

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