[RTTY] Computer PCI Slots

Doug Hall k4dsp.doug at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 14:21:48 EDT 2006

I doubt if the PCI-3000 will work in any new PC since most of them don't
have ISA slots. The PCI-3000 fits in an ISA slot, which is probably not
present on any new PC. Even if you find a relatively new computer that does
have an ISA slot you'll still have the board size problem.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the PCI-3000 is an ISA
board, even though it has "PCI" in its name.

Doug, K4DSP

On 4/7/06, K4FJ at aol.com <K4FJ at aol.com> wrote:
> I recently bought a new Dell B110 for the shack.  One reason I chose  the
> B110 is that it comes with 3 PCI slots.  I would like to continue  using
> my Hal
> PCI-3000 board for RTTY.  I find that the PCI-3000 is too big  to fit in
> the
> B110.  The 3000 is 13.25 inches long and it fit fine in my  old P2/350
> machine
> (not a Dell).
> Has anyone found a new or recent Dell Desktop that can accommodate a PCI
> board as large as the PCI-3000?  I haven't received an
> understandable  response
> from Dell yet.
> 73, Steve, k4fj
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