[RTTY] Interface Question

MRBILL1953 at aol.com MRBILL1953 at aol.com
Tue Dec 5 22:18:24 EST 2006

I have a question for all of you here on the reflectors. I'm very  interested 
in getting a new interface for my personal use. I have a Yaesu  FT-1000MP and 
I like to be able to connect it up using FSK RTTY and AFSK for the  rest of 
the digital modes. I've been looking at the "NEW" US Interface -  Navigator by 
Rigexperts, USB DIGI KEYER by microHAM and the RigBlaster PRO by  West 
Mountain for my purchase but I'm open for ALL suggestions. I'd appreciate  to hear 
what all of you recommend using. I know the "Navigator" isn't on the  market 
until January 2007 but I've given the web address below and maybe  you folks 
could get an idea from that. 
1.) _http://www.rigexpert.com/RigExpert.html_ 
2.) _http://www.microham-usa.com/Products/dk.html_ 
3.) _http://www.westmountainradio.com/RIGblaster.htm_ 
First, is it possible to have my Yaesu hooked up for both FSK  & AFSK at the 
same time so I don't have to do any cable switching? 
Second, what logging/contesting software would you suggest for a casual  
Third, I have no filters installed in my radio yet, which filters would you  
Fourth, should I be looking to use USB Port connection or stay with  the 
Serial Ports for now. 
Thank You for listening to all of this and I look forward to hearing from  
you soon.
73 de NY2U Bill Eddy 

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