[RTTY] FT1k or ProIII

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Thu Feb 2 13:13:18 EST 2006

Hi Doug and the group,

I have used both. I own a 756Pro, but have used an FT1k in contests for CW.

Plus points for each:
I'd have to say that for RTTY, the 756Pro (and any of the Pro's) definitely
have the edge when it comes to RTTY.
The user-configurable filters are just so useful, and the bandmap is worth a
great deal too. Just being able to flick to 10m, have a scan at the bandmap
and instantly "see" whether there are any signals worth bothering with is

Regarding the FT1k, then for CW, I'd have to say it has the edge. The fact
that it has dual receivers, instead of just two VFO's can make a lot of
difference. If you want to seriously track a DX station working split, this
is much easier than on the Pro.

Negative points for each:
For the 756Pro, the only downside I can see, and it only affects operating
CW, is that the CW has a slight "ring" to it, caused by the DSP, and the
fact that you cannot split the Rx from each VFO. With the Pro, you have a
"balance" control, so you can listen to one VFO, or the other, or blend them
together. You cannot listen to one in one ear, and the other etc etc.

For the FT1k, the cost of the necessary filters is a pain, and to some
extent, it assumes you are capable of making the mods needed for the roofing
filter too. Looking back at the archives, there does seem to be a lot of
folk having difficulties with the FT1000 variants and RTTY. Some are ue to
the type of interface, but not all.

I guess it boils down to your own prefernce. I operate 98% RTTY, and would
opt for the Pro series any time.

I would also argue that 200W isn't a great deal more use than having 100W.
That extra power doesn't translate to much extra ooomph when it comes down
to it. Not only that, but many contests limit you to 100w or less for low
power, so that 200W rig isn't going to compete with the big linears anyway.
Raising your beam another 6' would probably have a better effect!

Please note: These are just my thoughts!

Vy 73

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