Fidel Leon ea3lf at ea3lf.net
Mon Feb 13 12:58:55 EST 2006

At 18:37 13/02/2006, PM wrote:

>Ham spirit in the 21st century !!
>This radio ham business is really getting crazy !! Just realize
>people are able to kill mother and father, just to get the new
>one, like 3Y0X. Good luck guys in the freezing antartic... On the
>other side it's either a Zoo or a real jungle. Maybe both !!

AMEN! I maybe wouldn't get 3Y0/P worked, but I have better things to 
do with my free time that listening to "policemen", "drunk-wine 
exceeded", people that does not know how to tune a linear amplifier 
and want to load directly on the DX Tx freq, cluster whiners, "you 
forget EU", "go by numbers", "I want to fish in a barrel", and so 
on... I don't understand how anybody can expend big bucks in rigs, 
antennas, linears, etc., just to bother others!

I am only 36, so I hope I would work them easier in upcoming 
expeditions (better if done in high solar cycle years hi!).


Fidel Leon - EA3LF
ea3lf at ea3lf.net

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