[RTTY] WPX and strategy...

Sam Sorokin samsorokin at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 15:28:07 EST 2006

Hello All!

TM6A(F6IRF)       1419  5270   528    30  2,782,560
UT9FJ             1445  4751   575    30  2,731,825

I think different strategy can give same resaults!

73! de Sam Sorokin UT9FJ 
Member of: DIG, HSC, AGCW-DL

Tuesday, February 14, 2006, 10:18:49 PM, you wrote:

p> Scott, VE1OP wrote...

>>>My strategy was to beat up 20 metres and get as many high-rate 3-point EU as
>>>possible, as opposed to working the low bands for lower-rate higher-point
>>>QSO's...I think it worked...My avg points per qso is down a little from last
>>>year, and I have a few less qso's, but the mult count is way up over last

p> Hi Scott,
p> Very interesting for me, because I used a deliberatly opposite strategy based 
p> on a high pts/q, thus on low bands...  
p> My point was that it might be easier to increase QSO points by 10% rather 
p> than multipliers by 10%... (both resulting in a 10% score increase)
p> To take an example if you are at avg 4000pts /500 mults resulting in a 2Mpts score, 
p> is it easier to add 400 pts, or 50 mults ?  of course the answer is not that 
p> obvious (because the 2 terms are linked - adding Q's also add mults and vice versa), 
p> but I think that at least for us in EU, spending more time on 80m is the right 
p> choice... (40m being the obvious 1st choice during night, and 20m the obvious 1st 
p> choice during day)

p> Phil GU0SUP wrote

>>>One thought about WPX rules............... I wonder how much the rule about
>>>mults count once, not per band, made folk sit on 20m and not bother with 15?
p> Hi Phil,
p> This point is also interesting...yes you are right, I deliberatly forgot abt 15m!
p> To increase the number of mults, you have 2 choices 1) spend more time on a given band
p>  2) move to a band which opens new geographical areas (thus new prefixes) 
p> My point of view  is:  With the conditions we have at the moment, 15m has very 
little to offer =>> low rate, low point/Q, and limited remote geographical areas, 
p> with poor condx to JA and only East-Coast USA (both areas actualy better on 20m).
p> So for me the answer is obvious: don't loose much time on 15m (and if you have 2 radios, 
p> better use the second radio on 40, looking for 4 pts EU QSO's, as activity remains quite 
p> high even during daytime, and you can get near-stations, impossible to reach at night time 
p> for ex, for me south Germany, benelux, netherlands at <500kms all easy 4 pts QSO's).

p> All this to say, that it may not that obvious when looking at the rules, but the WPX is a 
p> highly strategic contest...  what makes it so interesting are 1) the band weighting factor 
p> 2) the "off-time" periods... 3) the fact that mults are only counted once...  
p> Change only one of the above, and you will destroy most of the strategic aspect of this 
p> contest, and what makes it so interesting...

p> I have tried to summarize all this with graphs which I have put on my blog.
p> Of course I do not pretend that I found an universal answer; it also depends on  band 
p> conditions, and on your QTH, but  it just happened that this strategy, which I could not 
p> try last year due to bad weather, worked quite well for me this year...

p> Patrick
p> http://f6irf.blogspot.com/

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