Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Sun Feb 26 09:53:39 EST 2006

Well, "another one bites the dust"! With 10 meters non-existent, and 15
meters marginal, at best, it left for very crowded conditions on 20.
Contacts were up, from last February, on 40/80, but multipliers were down.
The lack of propagation, on 10/15, made for a much lower score. The move to
40, so early, left very few to work, late? I could hear, but not work,
several "in close" stations, that I usually work, on 40. I only missed MO
and HI, for WAS, and never heard either? The increasing participation, along
with the "efficient" exchanges, made for a very enjoyable contest. I think I
only had one station send their exchange, when responding to my CQ. I kept
the rate above 50, per hour, until the last 2 hours.
Highlight: 32 "never before worked on RTTY" stations!
Lowlight: With the ever increasing SO2R operators, there seems to be a very
discourteous trend of "making me (maybe others)" wait while they complete a
contact on the "other" radio!

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW

 North American QSO Party, RTTY

Call: K4WW
Operator(s): K4WW
Station: K4WW

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  145    42
   40:  150    49
   20:  100    30
   15:   47     12
   10:     0       0
Total:  442   133  Total Score = 58,786

Club: Kentucky Contest Group

Team: SO1R

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