[RTTY] Displaying/logging/spotting the correct FRQ using AFSK
Richard Ferch
ve3iay at rac.ca
Wed Jan 11 12:09:26 EST 2006
Patrick F6IRF said:
>For your information, there are solutions working for any transceiver,
>assuming the offset is done a the software level...
>For example, the AFSK offset is a standard feature in:
>- N1MM-logger: the soft displayed/logged/spotted frequencies take into
>account the sideband and the MMTTY mark audio frequency to indicate the
>correct "mark RF frequency" - this also works when clicking on a spot: the
>transceiver is set taking into account the trx-sideband and the terminal
>Btw N1MM also works with MMVARI (for PSK, MFSK, and AFSK-RTTY) with
>exactly the same features (except that it is the center frequency of the
>signal, and not the mark which is taken into account // +/- 85HZ compaired
>to "mark" depending on sideband used ).
An additional note: In N1MM Logger you can turn this option on or off in
the Digital Interface window - it's the last item in the Setup menu in the
DI window. You should turn it on for AFSK, off for FSK (unless your radio
does not indicate the true frequency in FSK, in which case it should be on).
>- MixW do offer the same possibilities... (but like MMVARI also based on
>the RTTY center frequency)- btw mixW displays the NCDXF beacon frequency
>on the "advanced waterfall", so the anybody using mixW can't pretend he
>doesn't know...
MixW users with interfaced radios should set the spectrum display to Auto.
To get rid of the 85 Hz offset in the waterfall with radios that display
the true frequency, you can enter 85 in the "Cat correction" setup box for
Digi. If your radio displays the suppressed carrier frequency when it is in
FSK mode, enter 2210 in the Digi CAT correction box. In either case, the
FSK Center Freq should be set to 2210.
>- Just the ones I have tried, but it may be other products doing this (ie
I can add one: MMTTY run stand-alone. In the setup, under the TX tab, Radio
command button, there is a frequency offset at the lower left: select None
if your radio reads the true mark frequency, otherwise LSB (USB if you use
USB/Reverse in AFSK).
By the way, if you don't know how to determine whether your radio readout
displays the true mark frequency, just put the radio in FSK mode and tune
to WWV on 10 MHz. If the WWV carrier lines up on the left (mark) line in
the MMTTY waterfall (horizontal ellipse in the X-Y display), it reads the
true frequency. If you have to tune it to 10.002.125 to get the carrier to
line up, your radio is displaying the suppressed carrier frequency, the
same as in AFSK.
Finally, I have seen several references to the apparent bug in MixW 2.16
that Patrick mentioned, where selecting Unshift on space in the RTTY mode
settings causes garbled transmit signals. Let's hope this is resolved soon,
it's a shame to have a software problem disable an important decoding aid.
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