[RTTY] RTTY Best Practices

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Fri Jan 13 20:44:37 EST 2006

On Jan 9, 2006, at 3:56 PM, Ed Steeble wrote:

> 1) I will add CQ after my call when CQing.

I never liked this practice in CW. Seems I would always copy the CQ  
and miss the guy's call. I also don't like the "CQ NA AA4LR NA" for  
the same reason.

> 2) I wish stations, especially those with 2X2s and 2X1 calls would  
> add a
> space after their call. At times the print looks like it is a 2X3  
> or 1X3
> call.

Space? Why not a CR/LF?

> 6) I found out quickly that it pays to have a buffer with 5 "SC" in  
> it for
> the marginal condition QSOs. Likewise I have a buffer with five  
> K3IXDs in it.

I had a couple of guys do this to me. Waste of time. Most of the  
time, when I'd ask for a repeat, it was because of some temporal  
problem: QRM, QSB, etc.

Just send the exchange again. If I didn't get it, I'll ask for  
another repeat. At some point, you just have too much redundancy.

> 7) I too have a buffer/macro that contains "My Call is...."

You don't usually need this one if you are calling CQ (!).

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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