[RTTY] Web Page for SuitSat

Dick Kriss, AA5VU aa5vu at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 30 07:57:02 EST 2006

FYI, the web page at [http://www.suitsat.org/ will track SuitSat] will track
the SuitSat once it is released from the International Space Station
(currently scheduled for February 3), and display reports of people that
have heard the downlinked audio. Reports will be entered manually here and
viewed here. More information about SuitSat is available here. The frequency
is 145.990 MHz FM.

To determine when SuitSat -- or the ISS, as both will be in approximately
the same orbit -- will be in the skies over your house, you can check at


to access NASA's J-Pass program. Enter your zip code, and a map of the skies
for your area is displayed. Per one web page most North American viewers,
SuitSat should pass overhead at least once per day, usually between midnight
at 4 am.

73, Dick AA5VU

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