[RTTY] Be Careful What You Ask For ...
Robert Chudek - K0RC
k0rc at citlink.net
Mon Jul 24 15:36:53 EDT 2006
W4TV wrote:
What counts it the number of stations worked. It maters NOT ONE BIT
IF I or any other station has 100 receivers and I can listen to them
ALL at the same time. A Single Operator class is defined by a single
operator performing all the operating functions and having only one
signal on the air at a time - PERIOD!
K0RC - No need to shout. You're 59 MN. I think I understand the discrepancy
now... Joe, you live in a 3 dimensional world where "time" means nothing.
Everyone else operates in 4 dimensions. You keep negating the advantage of
"time" and blur the discussion with "equipment".
Yes, absolutely, having 100 receivers operating simultaneously would be
a *significant* advantage. Here's how: You could groom the bands and queue
up stations in the computer bandmap. You would then have the significant
advantage that you know where 100 stations are operating.
Then, you release your computer driven transmitter to pick them off one after
another. There would be no need to STOP transmitting, ever! The computer
would handle the timing of who to work next and produce a continuous string
of QSO's. (Unless the queue emptied.) You would receive your report on
receiver #50 while you're transmitting to station #51 in the queue.
Ridiculous? Not necessarily. It's SO100R, or SOmR. I'll state it again, no
amount of aluminum will compensate for duplex operation. Whether you're
talking about 2 receivers or 2,000 receivers, you have a distinct advantage.
An interesting question was presented which touched on this multiplexing
concept... PSK in an audio bandspread... Well with software defined radio
technology becoming affordable, the ability to receive all signals, on all the
bands, all the time is not too far in the future.
Tell me again how having a queue of 100 stations ready to be worked isn't
a significant advantage over a station waiting for the transmitter to stop so
they can try and find another contact.
73 de Bob - K0RC
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