[RTTY] Excuse the Dupes in WAE RTTY

Dick Kriss aa5vu at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 12 12:19:54 EST 2006

> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 13:53:08 -0600
> From: Dick Kriss <aa5vu at sbcglobal.net>
> Subject: [RTTY] Excuse the Dupes in WAE RTTY
> Everything is now working FB and I am back in the contest. This time I have
> been saving after each 10 or 20 QSO's so this does not happen again.  The
> crash was due to an operator (me) problem.

Thanks to all that responded.  Everything has been working good and I
appreciate the QSO's.   Very nice contest ..... just long.   The nice thing
about a long RTTY contest is you can take off a few hours and come back to
whole new crop of stations.  The iron-butt big scoring stations depend on
the stations that come in and work a few.  I am enjoying the contest and
will hopefully better my 2005 score - that's what counts to me.

73, Dick AA5VU

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