Charles Morrison cfmorris at bellsouth.net
Fri Oct 13 00:33:13 EDT 2006

> Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 06:48:59 -0400
> From: "JT Croteau" <jt.w6fo at gmail.com>
> Subject: [RTTY] 80M RTTY
> To: rtty at contesting.com
> Message-ID:
> 	<68bfb8bd0610120348m62f27fe0k16bbd8653472db60 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> As I get ready for Makrothen, I'm wondering what the RTTY DX window is
> on 80M.  I need to go out and adjust the vertical for a sweet spot and
> would like to set it around this frequency.  I realize the sub-band is
> 3570-3630 during contests and the JA's hang out at 3520-3525.  My
> Buternut vertical isn't that broad on 80 so I am wondering where I
> should best set the resonanty freq. for Makrothen.
> My 40M dipole is working well, I worked coast to coast (ATL to LAX)
> last night on 7091 and got a strong S7 report with only ~80W out.  I
> should be good for the sprint this weekend with this.
> Thanks

This is a good question, in more then one way JT.  Now that the FCC has
reallocated the 80M Extra voice band, the extra 80M OF's will be drooling
all over the place.  And although you can do CW in the SSB bands, you cant
do RTTY.  So that's immediately a loss of 30khz and is going to cause a
shift down.


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