Dick White whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Oct 19 16:50:08 EDT 2006

I received mail from W0LSD, K0BX (see below) and AI9T. All who said the ZL8R
Came back to me. I guess my 60 watts and 4 element YAGI got through ok and I
haven't lost my ability to bust a pile up. Evidently someone must have
called close to my receive and I could not print the ZL8R when he came back.
I never saw  him come back with my call. The problem was not operator error,
but operator procrastination. I got this YAESU Mark-5 Field a year ago and
have all the filters in for CW. But I do not have any SSB filters. However,
I received my INRAD Roofing filter 4 weeks ago and have not had the time to
install it due to my XYL having breast cancer surgery and radiation
treatments. Evidently I need to get some filtering in so this does not
happen again. My old Ten Tec Paragon had all 5 of their filters and I never
had any such problem. The Paragon died after 16 years and I got the Mark-5.
I would much rather have the Paragon than the Mark-5. It was a much more
simple rig to use and work on. See you in the JARTS this week end.

73   Dick  KS0M

>HI Dick, well you almost worked the ZL8R on 15M RTTY.

>The copied you and then called you 3 times to answer.
>I don't know if you got covered up or what but then
>the operator said "NIL". and went on.
>So what happened??

>Joe K0BX

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