[RTTY] hyphen or no hyphen

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Tue Feb 13 15:24:59 EST 2007

At 02:13 PM 2/13/2007, you wrote:
>I was reading a lot about the macros settings.
>Some say please send serial numbers with hyphen...like 032-032
>Some say please no hypen.....like 032 032
>What's the best....hyphen or no hypen????

No hyphen. Use a space. This allows the automatic "unshift on space" 
feature in your software to work. For instance, assuming the first 
"shift to figures" character was missed, you might see, for instance, 
TOO 583 583 instead of TOOATIEATIE. Much easier to get the important 
data from the first, right?

To see what prints when a shift code is missed, see:


>Some say put a CR at the beginning of a buffer......
>Some say put a CRLF at the beginning of a buffer...
>What's the best????.....CR alone or CR with LF or nothing at all at 
>the beginning????

Use a space. On his screen, this will separate your transmission from 
whatever crap was there before you started up, but will not waste his 
screen space by changing to a new line. It will also insure his shift 
starts in  letters case (see above) so your callsign or other 
letter-first transmission comes out readable. It is also quicker than 
the CRLF combination.

>Some say put a space at the end of your macros
>Some say put nothing at the end of your macros
>What's the best...space or not space????

Again, use a space. Most of us do not use squelch, so our "printers" 
will print random garble as soon as your signal goes away. You want 
your transmission separated from this garble, and a space does this nicely.

>I would appreciate any input about this...

Jerry W4UK

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