Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Mon Feb 26 04:27:54 EST 2007

I wrote: "I've received an extraordinary amount of email logs. I suggest that all participants visit  http://www.ncjweb.com/rttynaqplogs.php  to make sure that your logs were received, at the proper location!"

Bruce, WA7BNM replied: "Just so there's no confusion. Logs that are e-mailed will not show up on the logs received list until someone uploads the logs via the web form - either the contester or you. It's up to you whether you want to ask those who have e-mailed logs to upload their logs, or do it for them."

If you did not use http://www.ncjweb.com/naqplogsubmit.php to upload your log, but emailed it to me, rest assured that they will not show up on the logs received list, until YOU upload them!
I have no idea why I'm receiving so many logs, as email, but "if you want to be listed in the official results, it's up to YOU to make sure your log has been received"!

Shelby Summerville, K4WW
Contest Manager

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