[RTTY] Fw: RTTY presentation to radio club...

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Tue Feb 27 11:16:10 EST 2007


On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 21:27:51 -0600, "Robert Chudek - K0RC"
 <k0rc at citlink.net> wrote:

>Has anyone done a presentation on RTTY and created any materials (outline, slideshow, PowerPoint, etc?) that can give me some suggestions? I would like to tap into the collective wisdom from the group.

------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------

Justone suggestion: In addition to the "live" presentation, have a
one-page handout to give to everyone with some simple steps to getting
started, including links to AA5AU's website and MMTTY. 

Without a handout to take home, people will forget much of what they
saw, but the handout will bring it back whenever they're ready.

73, Bill W6WRT

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