Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Mon Jan 1 09:15:53 EST 2007

Happy New Year everyone!

I almost got there at the start, but missed it by a few minutes. No matter.
Started on 80m, and was surprised to hear N1UZ (I think) and then K4GMH
despite the fact that it was daylight by then. Sadly neither heard me.
Only managed a few on 80m before going to 40m for the rest of the contest.
Great fun as always, and good to see so many stations on.

Nothing on 3830 or the DJ3NG page!

Here is what I managed:
 	 QSOs	Points	Multipliers
80m: 	5	5	3
40m:	54	54	28
Total:	59	59	31

Score:		1829

Happy New Year to all, and hope to see you in many contests in 2007.

Very best 73


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