[RTTY] BARTG Awards and the Sprint contest

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Sun Jan 28 12:12:15 EST 2007

Hi all,

If anyone is interested in gaining a BARTG Award, then you can use your
Sprint log as the claim!
No QSL cards needed!

Here's what you do.................

1.	Check out www.bartg.demon.co.uk for details of the various awards,
            and decide which you want to apply for.
            You can do mixed bands, or single band for any of the awards.

2.	Complete the application form(s) which can be downloaded from the BARTG
            (or send me an Excel spreasheet showing date, time, call worked,
frequency etc etc)

3.	Email me the completed application form and cover sheet.

4.	I will acknowledge receipt, and this will be shown on the BARTG website.

5.	Once the logs have been adjudicated, (ie, once proof of contact has been
            then awards will be processed and mailed.

It is that simple!

If you have ANY queries, then please email me - pcooper at guernsey.net for
more information.

Very best 73
BARG Awards Manager

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