Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Sun Jul 8 13:55:08 EDT 2007

Hi all,

After a week of bad weather, we get a beautiful weekend, and I need to stay
inside and contest!
Now, if only I could figure a way to operate from the hot-tub (which is just
outside the shack!), I would be a happy man.

Had to start a bit late, due to various household jobs, such as shopping
etc, but I started on 10m, which was a good sign.
Few W/VE's to speak of during the afternoon on Saturday, but they did start
to come through during our evening.
I tried 80m, but only made a few contacts, as the band was very noisy and
full of static crashes.
I then had to take an enforced break at around 2130 after working DG7RO.
Writelog assigned no country to the call, and the rate box started to do
strange things, and ended up showing a big fat ZERO for the score. I had to
save the ADIF, then start a new log and import the ADIF into that.
After that, it seemed to go well until 2152, when Windows decided it no
longer wanted to play. I guess a bit of RF got in somewhere.
At that point, I gave up for the night, and took some much needed sleep.

Overall, there was very short skip on most bands, with G, GM and EI worked
on 20m. Still, the country mults were fun, and it was great to see so many
DL's supporting the contest.
As I woke up later than planned, I missed the 40m W opening, but did manage
K1ZZI/4 on 40m.
Of the W/VE's, VE2RYY had the strongest signal most of the time.

I also enjoyed working DL4R, DJ6BQ, DL3TD and S53EO on 5 bands, and DC3HB,
DL5NAM, DL6JZ, HA5LZ, I1COB and RD3A on 4 bands.
According to SH5, 37% of my contacts were with DL, and then it was 6.6% with
UA3, and 5.1% with SP.

Also good to see so many friends I shared time with in Friedrichshafen this

Here is my claim:
 	 QSOs	Points	DX:	Call Areas
80m: 	   13	  151	    7	    0
40m:	   52	  581	   21	    1
20m:	  202	 2352	   40	   10
15m:	   40	  448	   18	    0
10m:	   43	  496	   12	    0
Total: 	  350	 4028	   98	   11

Total multipliers:		  109
Score:		  		 439052

My log is already on LoTW.
Thanks to all for the fun time!

73 de Phil GU0SUP

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