[RTTY] 250 Hz or 350 Hz Filter for the Mobile?

John Tobias Croteau jt.n1ese at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 19:31:56 EDT 2007

I caught the RTTY bug big time last year.  However, at the beginning
of this year I moved into a really small studio apartment in a brick
building with no roof access so I essentially have no place for any
kind of antenna.  I've been living without RTTY since October of last
year and it's been extremely difficult.

So, I am going to build a modest HF station in the mobile primarily
for RTTY contesting and then SSB rag chew.  I live in NH so I have
easy access to both mountain top or coast line where I can park myself
for the day.  I'm going with an IC-706MKIIG in the car where I have
the option of running a 250 or 350 Hz filter.  I've never used
additional filtering in a rig before so I'm wondering which of these
narrow filters might be the better choice, if either, in the mobile?

I'll be getting everything together for an August debut, probably the
SARTG WW contest, but definitely want to be ready for CQ WW DX in


- JT

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