[RTTY] 250 Hz or 350 Hz Filter for the Mobile?

Doug Hall k4dsp.doug at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 19:44:40 EDT 2007

I purchased the 350 Hz filter and have been quite pleased with it. I
run mobile CW almost exclusively with my 706Mk2G. But from time to
time I operate RTTY from the car while my wife drives, and that's when
the 350 Hz filter really shines. It's perfect for RTTY.
Doug, K4DSP

On 6/28/07, John Tobias Croteau <jt.n1ese at gmail.com> wrote:
> I caught the RTTY bug big time last year.  However, at the beginning
> of this year I moved into a really small studio apartment in a brick
> building with no roof access so I essentially have no place for any
> kind of antenna.  I've been living without RTTY since October of last
> year and it's been extremely difficult.
> So, I am going to build a modest HF station in the mobile primarily
> for RTTY contesting and then SSB rag chew.  I live in NH so I have
> easy access to both mountain top or coast line where I can park myself
> for the day.  I'm going with an IC-706MKIIG in the car where I have
> the option of running a 250 or 350 Hz filter.  I've never used
> additional filtering in a rig before so I'm wondering which of these
> narrow filters might be the better choice, if either, in the mobile?
> I'll be getting everything together for an August debut, probably the
> SARTG WW contest, but definitely want to be ready for CQ WW DX in
> September.
> Thanks
> - JT
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