[RTTY] Rtty contest when Cw contest is on also

Phil Duff & Ann Duff na4m at arrl.net
Thu Mar 15 10:14:05 EST 2007

Mike K9MI wrote:
> Is his opinion of Rtty contesters common, or does he just not understand 
> that there is indeed a lot more to Rtty Contesting then just reading it off 
> a screen? I don't ever see him changing his mind, so should I just bite my 
> tongue and let it go in one ear and out the other?
Sounds like sour grapes. Pay it no mind.  It's a matter of personal 
choice for what enjoyment we as individuals want to get from our operating.
Some will agree and some won't.  The increasing popularity of RTTY 
contesting only reflects the choices we collectively as individuals make 
for our operations.  Explain why you/we enjoy RTTY contests but don't 
try to make him understand - it'll probably be like banging your head 
against a wall.

I've heard only one two mentions from local die-hard CW contest ops that 
they don't "get" RTTY.  I assume because software does the decoding 
instead of the op.   It's just someone's else opinion.  I don't get the 
self-flagellation of single op'ing a 48 hour contest but more power to 
those that can.

RTTY operators listen as much as ops on other modes during contests. It 
does not help one's RTTY contest score to operate where there is QRM 
from any mode. Of course there will be instances were QRM occurs - QRM 
happens in any contest.   RTTY ops are no more less considerate during a 
contest than operators on other modes.  Actually in my experience it's 
quite the opposite. 

RTTY contesting skills are no different that contesting on CW except 
perhaps the decoding.  But there is a different skill subset faced by 
RTTY ops such as interfacing the radio, computer, sound card, software 
configuration and adaption to band conditions, etc. that CW ops don't 
deal with.  So these arguments are so much sour grapes perhaps due to 
the unwillingness to adapt and lack of tolerance.

73 Phil NA4M

-. .- ....- --   -. .- ....- -- -. .- ....- --
Phil Duff NA4M & Ann Duff
Georgetown, Texas

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