[RTTY] Rtty contest when Cw contest is on also

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Thu Mar 15 12:32:10 EST 2007

At 12:41 PM 3/15/2007, Mike K9MI wrote:
>... When I do
>feel like I can run stations (not very often) I'll go to a frequency and
>"qrl qrl de k9mi?" a couple of times just to make sure....
>73 K9MI

The problem with the QRL is that it can cause QRM if you simply plop 
down there and send the QRL.

During a RTTY contest, in the RTTY "portion" of the band, just find a 
clear spot and listen. If you don't hear anyone in about 10-15 
seconds, start your call. But - if you hear activity on or near the 
frequency within the next minute or so, move.

The tough part is deciding how wide an area you want to keep clear 
for the other guys, and this depends on too many factors, most of 
which you can't control. I just trust that the other guys are using 
filters similar to mine - if I can't hear them to the side of me, 
they can't hear me either. Problem is that guys with wide filters 
think you are QRMing them. Life is not fair.

Jerry W4UK 

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