[RTTY] Rtty contest when Cw contest is on also

Graham Ridgeway m5aav at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 15 13:16:54 EST 2007

On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 09:54:55 -0500, Tim <tim.n9puz at gmail.com> wrote:

>Mike K9MI wrote:
> How often do 
>digital ops actually ask if the frequency is clear? 

Please Sir !! I even have a Macro set to send QRL ??? <cheeky grin>

>If the effort is 
>made does that really do anything useful for other modes? If I'm 
>operating RTTY (or PSK, etc.) and I send QRL? and by some divine 
>intervention someone in a CW QSO sent back "C", would I hear it? I'd 
>guess not.

Nope <even wider cheeky grin> and you wouldn't even see the trace on
the waterfall at 35plus wpm.

73 Graham M5AAV

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