Andrei Stchislenok asnp3d at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 21:33:05 EST 2007

Hello Group:
Here is an update *of 3-22-07.*
I received six more replies, that brings to the total of 40 callsigns from
14 countries, on 4 continents, missing Asia and Pacific.
HB9BZA has very nice web page devoted to LoTW, he says that currently 301
Countries are using LoTW.
It would be interesting to know how in how many counties hams are using LoTW
for RTTY Mode?
*Please email me your scores of "DXCC RTTY CONFIRMED COUNTRIES VIA LoTW
The leader is the same at this moment - Joe, K0BX, followed by Arsenio,
EA1AHY and AA5AU, Don.
Andy, VE9DX  just sent his score. He has 137 countries confirmed on RTTY
mode all via LoTW.
Andy writes:" I am now at just under 35,000 matches for 102,000 contacts.
Really not a bad return rate.

All this done with my 30 watts and the Butternut HFV9 vertical and a
Cushcraft MA160v."

Here is the current list:

*01 K0BX     162 JOE
03 AA5AU   157 DON
*04 KA2D     150 TOM
05 N2WK    139 WAYNE
06 W1ZT     138 GEORGE
07 GU0SUP 137 PHIL
08 VE9DX    137 ANDY
09 OK2ZC   136 LUDEK
10 N5ZM     136 EARL
11 YL2KF    133 VILNIS
12 WA4JQS 133 TONY
13 N2QT      129 MARK
14 KA4RRU  128 MIKE
15 K5AC      127 TIM
16 SV1DPI   120 KOSTAS
17 AI4FR      119 JOHN
18 EU1SA    119 VLADIMIR
19 AD1C      118 JIM
20 AI9T        117 STEVE
21 W4BCG  114 BILL
22 YV6BTF  111 JOSE
23 W2QO     109 JAMIE
24 W6WRT  109 BILL
25 WA2ETU 109 CARL
26 LZ8A       109 BOYAN
27 VE1OP    101 SCOTT
28 EA2RY     99 ROBERTO
29 ZS6RVG   94 DAVID
30 AA6YQ     89 DAVE
31 S50U        89 DAN
32 NP3D       85 ANDREI
33 AD6WL    84 JIM
34 ZS2EZ     78 BARRY
35 F1JKJ      75 LAURENT
36 N2KI        70 ANTHONY
37 DF4WC   61 ANDY
38 K4CZ       61 BARRY
39 N6VH      60 JIM
40 K2PAL    59 ALEX

73's Andrei
WAS RTTY #455 (all via LoTW)

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