Dennis OConnor ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 22 09:18:56 EDT 2007

Phil, you raise an interesting point when you say you chose to NOT log a contact after you gave them a report - because you feel they were not complying with the contest rules...
  Let me play Devil's Advocate here.... I always log whatever the other station sends - even where I consider it to be wrong... Dupes, bad exchanges, etc; as long as I know I copied what was sent I log it...  It is the provence of the contest committee to enforce the rules, not me..  And deliberately not logging a Q you gave out is a hostile act causing them a penalty for a NIL...
  If that person is giving an incorrect exchange to you, they are doing it to everyone else... The contest committee log checking software will flag that... You incur zero penalty because you copied what was sent...  
  I would urge that we avoid playing contest cop... Accept the offered exchange and go on our way knowing that the contest committee will deal with it...  When we choose to play cop, we could be wrong...
  cheers  ...

denny / k8do
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