[RTTY] rig recomendations

Jack West XP w7ld at theriver.com
Mon Apr 28 20:04:50 EDT 2008


I bought a Kenwood TS-940Sat brand new, with all the goodies and filters in 1988.
That radio has earned 32 1st place certs in CW and RTTY contesting.  I think that
is pretty amazing service to say the least.

Presently, it is starting to give me problems with intermittent transmit.  Suddenly the
output power will drop to a few watts. all unexpectedly.  I must power the radio 
quickly off, then back on, and it will continue to operate norrmally any where from
a half and hour to all night.  Occassionally the CW pitch will change on its own.

My point is this.  My TS-940 is getting tired.  The TS-930 is one generation older.
I would look for a newer radio if you can afford it.  My two cents.

de Jack / W7LD / "Lucky Dog"

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <lratcliff at isp.com>
To: <RTTY at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 11:14 AM
Subject: [RTTY] rig recomendations

>I am looking at a Kenwood TS-930Sat.  Anyone have any comments, good or
> bad on this radio?  I cant find anything bad about them, other than some
> issues with the early serial number units.
> Lee Ratcliff
> -- 
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