[RTTY] Master RTTY Database update

aa5au at bellsouth.net aa5au at bellsouth.net
Thu Dec 25 22:37:36 EST 2008

Due to problems with my house and trying to get antennas up for Roundup, I won't be able to post an updated RTTY database file until next week.  Right now I'm living in a hotel but hope to be back in the house next week.

Please do not send me any contest logs as I will not have time to process them.  Instead, Mike K4GMH, has kindly offered his master file as an update.  His file contains all the calls in my older file plus all the new calls he has worked this year.  So it should be an adequate file.

Although I was able to get a 55' tower installed a couple of weeks ago, I still do not have antennas on it.  I still need to rebuild an A3S tribander, the D40 dipole and 80 meter inverted vee and get them mounted on the tower before next weekend.  I'm having serious doubts whether I'll get this done, but I'm trying hard.

I will have Mike's updated file on rttycontesting by the middle of next week.

73, Don AA5AU

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