Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Wed Feb 20 13:39:11 EST 2008

Hi all,

Interesting thread!

Jack W7LD wrote: "................It is my opinion PSK has great promise as
a contest mode if you run PSK-63 or
PSK-125 mode.  These two modes are really quick and with super short
exchanges seem to me as fast as RTTY contest exchanges.

Whilst I agree that the turnover is far higher using these PSK derivatives,
I have also found that accurately tuning them in is more difficult, and I
have usually ended up waiting for them to call CQ again before netting on to

Now, in a contest, this means one of two things:
1.	You increase the length of your CQ macro, thus allowing time for someone
to "net" on to you.
2.	You end up calling CQ twice or more before you get a response.
Both seem destined to reduce the turnover, and in the end, I feel that any
contest rate would be about the same.

Accurate tuning is more important with the PSK variants, and more so with
the higher rate modes.
With RTTY, you can often get close and start to receive print, and by the
time the CQ macro has finished, you are tuned in nicely. Not so with PSK.
I guess the point and click softwares will allow some increase in netting,
but you still have to find the signal.
I have frequently found that by the time I have moved the mouse to the trace
and clicked on it, it has stopped.

The other side of the story is that many of the folk that use one or more of
the PSK variants tend not to be contesters in any way shape or form!
As I have said before, there are plenty of RTTY folk who often use PSK, but
not too many PSK folk that use RTTY!

My other pet hate is that folk tend to use way too much power for PSK, and
this is MY OWN PERSONAL feeling, so please don't flame me over this! I know
what many of you think about this subject, but this is MY feeling alone.

In the end, I really cannot see anything overtaking RTTY as the premier
contest mode.

There are already contests that allow PSK as well as RTTY, and I am sure
that you will find the percentage of PSK users is way down on the number
using RTTY.

Just my thoughts,

73 all


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