[RTTY] LOTW Users List

Inbody, Don don at inbody.net
Fri Mar 7 14:10:46 EST 2008

Robert Chalmas HB9BZA maintains an LOTW Users List.  As ARRL has not decided to provide this data, as they believe it not useful, Robert has done a very good job.  This list is used by DX Clusters.  Terry AB5K introduced use of this database to let cluster users know whether the station spotted is a known LOTW user.  Some programs, including the DXLab Suite programs, use this list in a database format to identify known LOTW users.


You can help update this list and I urge you to do so.


Go to http://www.hb9bza.net/lotw/index.html to learn how you can help.  Basically, you download your lotwreport.adi from the LOTW website and email it to Robert at lotw-list at hb9bza.net


As of 5 March, there were 19,758 callsigns known to be using LOTW with 314 current countries represented.  ARRL reports that 29,766 certificates (different callsigns) are registered.  So, there are more to find out there.


Countries/entities not currently known to be using LOTW are:


3C0  Annobon
3D2C Conway Reef
3Y5  Bouvet
4U1U United Nations NY
7O   Yemen
9J   Zambia
9U   Burundi
EK   Armenia
EP   Iran
EZ   Turkmenistan
FJ   St-Barthelemy
FR/G Glorioso
HK0M Malpelo
JD1M Minami Torishima
KH5K Kingman Reef
KP1  Navassa
KP5  Desecheo
PY0P St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks
SV/A Mount Athos
VK0M Macquarie
VK9M Mellish Reef
VK9W Willis
XW   Laos
ZK3  Tokelau Is.


Do you have any of these entities confirmed by LOTW?  If so, Robert would like to know.



73, Don ADØK






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