Peter Laws plaws0 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 14:37:05 EDT 2008

Poking at BARTG today between other things.  Already seen a number of
stations with incorrect time.

Assuming something in the Microsoft "family", please look at
http://www.meinberg.de/english/sw/ntp.htm  These guys have done a nice
port of NTP to Windows.  It will even turn off the non-standards
compliant Windows time client for you.  Look for the Monitor program
as well.

Mac folks have a fully-functional NTP daemon, though by default if
only points at Apple.  You're better off going into a terminal window,
becoming root, adding a few more high-stratum time sources (look at
http://ntp.org/ for a list), and restarting.

If you're on a different UNIX or GNU/Linux, likely you are already
good to go as most distros come with NTP preconfigured to use the NTP

BTW, the guy that wrote all the NTP RFCs and whose group has been
developing the daemon for years is W3HCF, an engineering prof at the
Univ of Delaware.

Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!

"The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government
strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and
a people strong enough and well enough informed to
maintain its sovereign control over its government." - FDR

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