Danilo Brelih danilo.brelih at siol.net
Wed May 7 10:49:57 EDT 2008

James Douglass pravi:

> You are correct on 160 meters at this time of year.

I know "THE BAND" well. Few years ago I finished WAS on CW from here!
As sysop of S50CLX Spider DXCluster my suggestion would be using CHAT
command with help bellow for Spider clusters.

CUL Dan, S50U @ http://s50clx.infrax.si


chat <group> <text> Chat or Conference to a group

It is now possible to JOIN a group and have network wide conferencing
to that group. This system uses the existing ANN system and is
compatible with both other DXSpider nodes and AK1A clusters (they use
ANN/<group>). You can be a member of as many "groups" as you want. To
join a group type:

       JOIN RTTY160M    (where RTTY160M is the group name)

To leave a group type:

       LEAVE RTTY160M

You can see which groups you are in by typing:


and you can see whether your mate is in the group, if he connects to the
same node as you, by typing:

       STAT/USER ac0e

To send a message to a group type:

       CHAT RTTY160M anyone around ?


       CH RTTY160M I am CQing on 1808 now ?

join <group> Join a chat or conference group

JOIN allows you to join a network wide conference group. To join a
group (called RTTY160M in this case) type:

       JOIN RTTY160M

leave <group> Leave a chat or conference group

LEAVE allows you to leave a network wide conference group. To leave a
group (called RTTY160M in this case) type:

       LEAVE RTTY160M

show/chat [<group>] [<lines>] Show any chat or conferencing

This command allows you to see any chat or conferencing that has
occurred whilst you were away. SHOW/CHAT on its own will show data
for all groups. If you use a group name then it will show only chat
for that group.


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