[RTTY] CTY-1814 Contest Country Files - 14 November 2008

Jim Reisert AD1C jjreisert at alum.mit.edu
Fri Nov 14 14:39:36 EST 2008

The Contest Country (CTY) Files were updated on 14 November 2008.


Please follow the Installation link to find instructions for your
particular software.

There are two important changes in this release:

1.  There is a new way to tell which version of the country files you
    have loaded.  If you try to log the callsign "VERSION", a
    different country will come up for each release of the country
    file.  This country will be listed in the release notes (see
    below).  For DX Cluster users, you can use the SH/H VERSION or
    SH/SUN VERSION command to determine which country file is loaded.

2.  The ZIP archive now includes two new files: old/cty.dat and old/wl_cty.dat
    These files don't have '=' front of full callsigns, to maintain
    compatibility with older software like CT9.

Here are the rest of the release notes:

14 November 2008 (CTY-1814)
VER20081114, Version entity is Kingman Reef, KH5K
    * E51QQQ is North Cook Is., E5/n
    * N7NG is in ITU zone 6
    * R70B is Asiatic Russia, UA9

73 - Jim AD1C

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