Amos, Ian ian.amos at sap.com
Thu Oct 23 10:21:31 EDT 2008

Hi Brian

I know all about winter travel I am headed to central Ontario for CQ WW
this weekend and snow is predicted so I am not taking my trailer and
packing warm cloths.  So back to the topic .... Why not try the NAQP
RTTY test in July (details below).  It is a 10 hours test, starts after
lunch on Saturday ends at bedtime and most important it will be warm out
making for a relaxing weekend that you could make a lot of Qs.

Hope this helps


RTTY: 1800Z July 19 to 0600Z July 20, 2008 (Third full weekend in July)
Exchange: Operator name and station location (state, province or

Website link to the rules is:


  I would love to participate from my home QTH in SD. It may interest
folks that I am only 7 miles from the WY border, and about 1 hour from
the MT border. ND border is about 2 hours away. I have a small camper
set up for Ham Radio and especially the digital modes, like RTTY. I can
run 50W or so with a screw driver antenna. I can also erect a low dipole
with fiberglass poles, in the case f no trees being available.  Not a
world class portable contest station by any means.  But with the sun
spots returning, probably would be OK to give folks needed states,
especially on 15M through 10M when they open.

  My biggest problem is that the contest season begins exactly when we
begin to get our bad WX. This has prevented me from operating from those
states in the last few years in winter contests since I moved here.
However I now have obtained an old Jeep with which I may be able to use
to operate from those rare areas in the future. It is old and ugly, but
it can just about climb trees, and the heater works FB!

If some one would organize the event, I would love to try and operate
those areas in order to give LOTW QSL's to those who may need them. I
would really  be interested in LOTW QSL's only. Maybe a summer event, or
summer continuation of the event is also in order?

Brian K7RE
Western SD

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