[RTTY] CQWW exchange

Simon (HB9DRV) simon at hb9drv.ch
Mon Sep 29 13:19:35 EDT 2008

I think that the rules should be changed to ensure that the stations copy 
each other correctly and QSOs are not 100% automated.

As part of the exchange there should be an 8 or 10 digit unique QSO number - 
unique to that QSO and generated by the station initiating the QSO. This 
number should contain a checksum. This approach would ensure that there is a 
modicum of user interaction in the whole QSO process.

Failing the above something other than a serial number.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <k0bx at arrl.net>
> 4. Along with the above, I would rather have someone get on with all kinds 
> of formats and mistakes than not get on at all.  Not all of us know what 
> USOS and CR/LF means. Hi Hi.  What do you think?

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