Peter Laws plaws0 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 09:10:23 PDT 2009

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 04:27, Shelby Summerville <k4ww at arrl.net> wrote:

> And I will comment about "the requisite that stations use a portable
> designator when operating from a different call district."  I'm sure that
> those that are effected by this requirement, will think differently, but I
> feel very strongly about a station "being in a call area that is designated
> by their call sign", especially when call sign areas are multipliers! There
> are some stations, that are effected by this rule requirement, have publicly

I'm all in favor of having to "sign portable" (or self-assigned
indicators as the FCC calls them) when not in your "home" district
and, in fact, did so when I live in Illinois.

The problem is not with signing in that manner, the problem is with
the ARRL.  The League requires you to have a separate certificate for
a "self assigned indicator" when that indicator doesn't change your
DXCC entity.  This causes much confusion with the end result being
that the LoTW has thousands of zombie records in it, records with the
"wring callsign".

One suggested "fix" is to upload your QSO records with both your
regular call certificate and your "portable" certificate.  This means
that you are creating one Zombie for every legitimate QSO and strikes
me as a workaround and not a solution.

I really don't think contest sponsors should have to change their
rules because of an arbitrary decision the League made regarding LoTW.

Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!

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