[RTTY] DL4R in DL-DX RTTY Contest

Dallmeier, Walter walter.dallmeier at dl4rck.de
Sun Jul 5 04:38:59 PDT 2009


a hard job the DL-DX RTTY Contest, with strange conditions.
Had to interrupt a couple times cause of heavy thunderstorms in my region.

Many thanks to all who give me a call.

73 de Walter, DL4RCK, DL4R

DL-DX RTTY Contest

Callsign         : DL4R
Operators        : DL4RCK
Category         : A Single OP, 1 Radio
Club Competition : DRCG
Power            : HIGH   600 Watt
Operating Time   : 18:03 h
Software         : RCKLog V3.9

BAND  QSOs  Valid QSOs  Points  DXCCs Distr.
10      57       57       560     19    0
15     125      124      1290     40    5
20     272      270      3139     54   13
40     144      144      1485     35    5
80      77       77       734     23    1
       675      672      7208    171   24

Final Score: 7208 * (171+24) = 1.405.560

Yaesu FT-1000MP MV, ACOM1000
3 El.SteppIR Yagi 10/15/20m
BigIR 10-80m, G5RV

73 de Walter, DL4RCK, DL4R

Walter Dallmeier
Email: walter.dallmeier at dl4rck.de 

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