[RTTY] CQ to accept EQSL for awards

Kostas Stamatis sv1dpi at otenet.gr
Mon Oct 5 13:16:55 PDT 2009

just a comment abt uploading to LotW
I think that it is very easy. I just do a right click on the file which i 
want to upload and send it to lotw-logs at arrl.org
The more difficult is that you must convert your adi file to a lotw file but 
this is another story, mainly because it depends on your logging program. 
For example writelog does it automatically while dx4win doesn't, etc...

73 Kostas SV1DPI

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Burke" <chris at n9yh.com>
To: <rtty at contesting.com>; <plaws0 at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: [RTTY] CQ to accept EQSL for awards

> On Mon, 5 Oct 2009 10:27:05 -0500, Peter Laws <plaws0 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 00:38, Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>
>> wrote:
>> > Think of them as unsolicited QSLs. ?You still have to confirm them
>> > yourself, either by uploading your log, or by manually confirming
>> > them.
>> That they can be sent is disturbing.  You could do that with paper
>> cards, too, of course, but a system can be designed to prevent this
>> type of thing.
>> > LoTW system is much better, IMHO.
>> No kidding!  And designed just so.  If I were to sign up for eQSL,
>> which I'm not likely to now that I see how it can be gamed, I'd have
>> to return it NIL.  Can you at least do that?
>> Believe I'll stick with LoTW, warts and all.
> Yeah, you can return eQSLs NIL no worries.  There are a whole bunch of
> reasons you can give for rejecting an eQSL, plus a "fill in the blank"
> option.  But before you kibosh eQSL entirely, think about just signing up
> and getting verified as a courtesy to those who do use the system. 
> Getting
> verified is easy - you just enter your LOTW callsign and password and 
> there
> you go. You have to be verified for your "cards" to count for some of 
> their
> awards.  (It's ironic that the easiest way to do that is through LOTW.)  I
> like LOTW better because the site is easier to use (uploading Qs is 
> another
> story), but some of the eQSL pictures are nice.  I'm more interested in 
> the
> ARRL WAS right now, which you need LOTW for, but I upload to everything to
> both because someday I'll work that one guy who needs Lake County, IL, 
> EN52
> for something :-).
> Consider, though, that eQSL and LOTW were designed for different purposes.
> LOTW was designed with awards in mind.  eQSL was designed to exchange
> virtual QSL cards - essentially just to avoid paying for postage and
> printing cards and waiting on the mail.  The awards were more an
> afterthought, I think.
> But, let's face it, the whole system of contesting, QSLing, and awards is
> based on trust and honesty.  The minute we can't trust the ham population 
> in
> general, the whole system falls apart.  I'm fine with eQSL being the way 
> it
> is, really it's just like getting paper cards only with the convenience of
> the computer.  The other operator doesn't get anything out of sending you 
> an
> eQSL until you confirm it, just like someone that sends you a card out of
> the blue doesn't get anything unless you send one too.  As long as people,
> in general, are honest about returning eQSLs NIL, it's a good system.  But
> even if everyone confirmed every eQSL they got, how many extra Qs would be
> in there?  A couple?  That doesn't really happen that often.  And like 
> you'd have to have some people in cahoots with you to send you eQSLs for
> contacts you didn't make if you were really trying to game the system.
> Having to sign your files and backup your keys and all that nonsense for
> LOTW is a real drag.  And just so everyone can be extra, extra sure I 
> didn't
> make up a WAS or DXCC?  Oh, come on - these awards aren't that important.
> Let's not lose sight of the fact that the important part of any award is
> your personal achievment - what you did with your station.  If someone
> really wants those awards without earning them, they can do it more easily
> with regular paper cards.  If someone really wants to cheat, they can and
> probably already have anyway.
> 73!  Chris N9YH
> -- 
> Chris Burke
> chris at n9yh.com
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